Shared Patient Care System


Shared Patient Care

Many GPs are able to provide additional services to the health community that they serve but current GP practice systems are not designed to specifically support them in this process for the following reasons:

They are not designed around a “package of care” and have no facility to discharge a patient;
Using Auto-Approval, ensure that Clinicians receive the approval to treat immediately;
They do not support adding patients from other practices.
The reports available within them do not provide the ability to performance manage a service, i.e. Waiting times, capacity monitoring, activity reporting etc.
Tailored Web Based Clinical System

Blueteq provides a secure web based system to meet these requirements. With our experience within the NHS and working closely with GPs and clinicians, the system was designed to be used by them within their specialty. This approach ensures that clinicians immediately engage with the system whereas with many other systems the clinician is rarely consulted

Booking Appointments
The Shared Patient Care System also incorporates a clinic appointments system and Blueteq recognises that these specialist clinics often operate out of many different locations. As a result it can place increased administrative burden on this process. As the system is web based it can be accesses from any location, subject to security, and experience has shown that the equivalent of a single FTE administrator can provide the administration needs of up to 8 clinics. The functions covered range from receiving referrals to booking the patient’s clinic appointment either based on the telephone or using the automatic letter invitation approach.
Standard Letters

The system holds a library of standard, user defined letters, ranging from initial invitation to appointment, through referral letters to consultants and other health professionals to a discharge summary to the patient’s GP.

Clinical Engagement

The system is in place with a number of PCTs since its inception in 2000. Because the system is designed with the clinician in mind is that it is enthusiastically supported by the clinicians that use it.  It has become a core component to the success of the clinics and the consultants, GPs and nurses, as well as the administrative staff, depend upon it to provide their services. With a wealth of reports providing detailed activity and audit data, the PCT relies just as heavily upon this system as the clinicians. 

The Shared Patient Care System is now used in a wide range of specialties, including the disciplines with the Muscular-Skeletal area, ENT, Ophthalmology, Leg ulcer, Osteoporosis, Continence and Parkinson’s disease, Cardiology, Cardiac Monitoring and Chronic Pain.

Why Choose Us?

Unique Benefits Summary:

Blueteq Shared Patient Care System

Many clinical systems in the NHS are not used by clinicians. This is because no-one has asked what they require from a system. At Blueteq we pride ourselves that by helping clinicians design their own clinical templates for note taking, we achieve considerable clinical engagement. This means that clinicians record their clinical notes on the system which has the following benefits for them

  • None/little paper is involved in the treatment of a patient.
  • All outgoing letters to the referring GP are instantly created from the notes.
  • Vital administrative and clinical audit data is accurately recorded.
  • Documents and photographs can be imported and form part of the clinical notes.
  • Central and secure store for all clinical notes.

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